Photo Exhibition – UNIGHT
This exhibition is the expression of a recent action-research project that investigates the phenomenon of forest fires in the Chiquitania region, Bolivia. The region is home to one of the largest and best preserved dry forests in the world: an ecosystem very vulnerable to extreme fires, which violently affect local communities. To learn more about […]
Evento Lancio FIREPOL @ U Night, Notte Europea Delle Ricercatrici e Dei Ricercatori We are excited to announce the launch of our research project, FIREPOL, at UNIGHT 2024. We invite you to join our talk, “INCENDI: OLTRE AL FUOCO C’È DI PIÙ!” which is taking place on September 28 at 17:00 at the Musei Reali […]
The Politics (and Economics) of Wildfires
Lorenza Fontana terrà una lezione alla Carlo Alberto Summer School 2024 dal titolo ‘The Politics (and Economics) of Wildfires’. La scuola estiva, organizzata dall’Associazione Allievi della Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, è rivolta a ragazze/i di 4° superiore. La Summer School prevede un’alternanza di attività di gruppo, lezioni frontali e interattive e laboratori per conoscere l’economia e la […]
It’s Complicated’. Uneasy Answers to Easy Questions about Politics, Fire and More
Lectio Magistralis by Lorenza Fontana ‘It’s Complicated’. Inconvenient answers to simple questions about fires, politics and more “From ethnic politics and the struggle of indigenous peoples for land and self-determination, to international law that regulates child labor, to socio-environmental conflicts and the political dimensions of fires, this lesson will touch on various (apparently) unrelated topics, […]
L’impatto ambientale dei conflitti: il caso dell’Angola
Hosted by GreenTO “Martedì 16 aprile ci prepareremo alla Giornata della Terra ospitando la talk “L’impatto ambientale dei conflitti: il caso dell’Angola”, con le esperte Lorenza Fontana e Luisa Escobar Alvarado. A partire da un lavoro di ricerca in una delle regioni più remote al mondo, parleremo di come la guerra può cambiare completamente la […]
The Politics of Wildfires: A New Research Agenda
Research Seminar Collegio Carlo Alberto Abstract. Wildfires are worldwide phenomena that have been shaping the environment and life on Earth for millions of years. The global increase in the magnitude and spread of wildfires has inaugurated what experts call a ‘new era of fire.’ In this framework, fires have been couched almost exclusively as ‘natural […]
Playing with fire: Exploring the socio-ecological crisis through community theater in Bolivia
Cycle of Doctorate Seminars in Psychological, Anthropological and Educational Sciences. Ethnographic research methodology